plank exercise for weight loss

Probably everyone knows the plank exercise by now. Not so long ago, all fitness instructors began to talk about it, plans and charts for performing the everyday "bar" appeared on the Internet and social networks. Let's see how to do it right? How to make a class schedule and what real results can be achieved with it.

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Most people mistakenly think that by planking for a month, you can achieve the perfect figure. Let's see what can really be achieved by doing this, no doubt, a useful exercise. But we warn you right now - the article is purely exploratory in nature. This is not a call to action. Only a specialist can tell you how to properly reduce weight and what methods to use for this.

Plank for weight loss - the best exercises for the whole body

The barre is an isometric exercise that exerts a static and powerful load on the muscles of the abdomen and body. During its implementation, the press, the area between the shoulder blades and the lower back, the forearms, thighs and buttocks are stressed. It is presented in different options for the complexity of execution, suitable for both beginners in sports and professional athletes.

The plank works well as part of a complex, along with other exercises for problem areas. Before that, you should definitely do a little warm-up, and after stretching.

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What is a plank?

The plank is an exercise that strengthens the straight and oblique abdominal muscles. It has several different options, which differ in the complexity of execution and the area that works in the process.

Exercise is very popular in the fitness industry. It is part of a variety of complex and functional workouts. Its varieties are found in yoga classes, Pilates.

Types of boards

  • classic - on straight arms;
  • classic - on the elbows;
  • lateral;
  • with twist;
  • with pumps;
  • with outstretched arms or legs.

There are many execution options. New ideas are constantly emerging to complicate the classic version. But for those who lose weight, something else is important - is it possible to get rid of excess weight in this way, if such exercise will help to remove the stomach and sides.

Does it help to lose weight

The plank is a good strength exercise that works the abdominal muscles. It works them effectively, helps to strengthen them. But for weight loss it is not important, but a calorie deficit: you have to spend more than you eat.

To burn an impressive amount of calories, you have to hold the bar all day! Therefore, one should not hope that she will burn off the kilograms accumulated over the years.

But the bar can, or even should, be part of a complex of physical exercises, combined with proper nutrition, as well as complex group psychotherapy to correct eating habits.

Advantages of the board

The plank is a great functional exercise that doesn't require special equipment, gym clothes, or a lot of space. Almost anyone can do it. In addition, it has many other advantages:

  • the minimum time to complete;
  • it is not necessary to go to the gym, you can do it at home;
  • can be performed even after eating, no need to eat certain foods before and after training;
  • has a small number of contraindications;
  • improves general well-being, coordination of movements.

Exercise is suitable for strengthening muscles, but it will not be possible to lose weight with it.


During exercise, you need to listen to your feelings. If any discomfort is felt somewhere, for example, pain in the joints or muscles, you need to stop immediately, wait until the physical condition is completely stabilized. If the pain persists, you should consult a specialist, it may be a pinch or a sprain.

In addition, it is forbidden to perform the barre in such cases:

  • spinal injuries, displacement of intervertebral discs, hernia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • postoperative period;
  • during a cold or flu, with acute inflammatory diseases.

Especially careful when performing exercise, it is necessary to be girls during menstruation. Tension in the abdominal muscles can cause cramping, pain, or increased bleeding. It is also not recommended to perform the plank for pregnant women or women who have just given birth.


As already mentioned, the plank is a type of exercise that helps strengthen the muscles of the body. Regular and proper exercise will help tighten the torso, make it more prominent. Effectiveness, results are largely determined by the following factors:

  • regularity: you must perform the barre at least three times a week;
  • number of approaches: it is better to do a complete workout that combines different types of straps;
  • correct execution, strict adherence to technology;
  • proper nutrition, healthy sleep, daily routine, correction of eating habits - without this, the bar will not bring results.

If you do the plank regularly for at least 30 days, you will notice the first results. Usually the condition of the skin changes: it becomes smoother, more toned, which creates a general impression of weight loss.

How long to plank

The optimal moment is selected individually. For an unprepared person, 10 seconds will be enough, while an athlete can endure up to 10 minutes. What happens to the body as time increases:

  • In the first 20-30 seconds there is a feeling of tension, which grows every second. At the same time, blood circulation in the working areas increases, oxygen is actively supplied. For all this, the body spends about 5 calories. For beginners, this will suffice.
  • After a minute there is a feeling of warmth, a slight tremor. It seems that the muscles are "clogged", they have become dense, stony. Usually at this stage people give up, as they don't want to endure any discomfort or pain at all.
  • After three minutes, a "second wind" opens. Pain, discomfort subside a little, the body gets used to the load. At this stage, it is better to stop and start again - this way the training will be more effective.
  • Holding the barbell for more than 10 minutes is not recommended - it leads to the destruction of muscle fibers.

Most fitness instructors think it's better to do multiple 30-second reps than to stand for 3-4 minutes at a time. Thus, the body does not have time to get used to the load, to adapt. Each new approach is for him a new test, which will be more and more difficult to face.

Regularity of lessons

Classes should be regular. It is better to spend a few minutes at the end of the morning exercises on the barbell, when the body is already warmed up, ready for the load.

If you cannot immediately do the number of approaches required by the program, you can divide the lesson into two parts: do one with exercises, the other 2-3 hours after dinner, shortly before bedtime. If training is also planned in the evening, it is better if it also includes the barbell.

If there is no progress with regular classes, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • load intensity: if the body is used to regular exercise, you can not only increase the time, but try the harder version, and thus control the process;
  • bad technique. In the next paragraph of the article we will consider the correct sequence, the typical mistakes of beginners.

The main thing to understand is that it's not so much the quantity that matters, but the quality of the training.

How to do well

The execution technique is as follows:

  • feet are shoulder width apart;
  • the elbows are strictly below the shoulder joints;
  • the gaze is directed to the fingers, the neck is straight;
  • the stomach is tucked in, there is no deviation in the lower back;
  • the legs, abdominal muscles and arms are tense.

The name of the exercise describes the technique: the torso should be extended in a straight line - the barbell. There should be no creases anywhere.

The technique of execution seems at first glance simple. However, mistakes do happen, especially for beginners. The most common are:

  • The pelvis is above the head. In this position, the load is redistributed, passes to the muscles of the arms and forearms. At the same time, discomfort is felt in the shoulder joints.
  • Deviation in the neck, lifting of the head. When performing the bar you need to watch the fingers. When you shift your gaze forward, a deviation is formed in the neck, the load on the cervical vertebrae increases. This is especially dangerous for people suffering from osteochondrosis.
  • Elbows too far apart. It is not easy to maintain balance in such a state. The load on the back muscles, shoulder joints and elbows increases. All of this can lead to injury.
  • Deviation in the lower back. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to monitor the position of the body. It should be straight, like a board, like a string. Otherwise, pain in the lower back may occur.

If the board is poorly made, you can't hurt yourself. Therefore, you should not run after an increase in time, it is better to keep ten seconds, but correctly.

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For beginners

For beginners, just 4-5 minutes per workout per day is enough. This time is enough to get used to the load, to prepare for other more difficult exercises.

Beginners can use the following program:

An approach Lead time
First 10-30 seconds
Second 30-45 seconds
The third 30-45 seconds
Fourth 10-30 seconds

If after one circle there is still strength, you can repeat it about 2-3 times. This workout can be done in the morning and in the evening.

The main thing is to develop a habit, to make the exercises regular.

For men

The program for men is a little more difficult than for beginners and women. It involves the use of several types of boards in a complex with the maximum study of the muscles of the body. Representatives of the stronger sex are usually able to maintain the desired position longer due to the natural characteristics of the body, strong arms and back.

The men's program may include the following types of bracelets:

  • classic;
  • lateral;
  • with alternating elevation of arms and legs;
  • with weights.

For each approach, a separate version of the bar. The duration of an approach is 45 to 60 seconds. Men can perform around 3-5 circles in one workout.

For women

It is therefore biologically established that excess weight in women accumulates mainly in the abdomen and hips. Because of this, the fair sex has a large number of complexes, there is a lack of self-confidence and their beauty. Wanting to remedy the situation, they follow strict diets and torture the body with intense workouts.

But, in fact, you can lose weight without serious dietary restrictions. It is worth changing habits, excess weight will go away on its own. But the old harmful occupations must be replaced by new and wholesome ones. As an option - regular workouts, including barre.

The program for women might look like this:

  • approach - the classic plank on straight arms or elbows;
  • second approach - lateral (left);
  • third approach - lateral (right);
  • fourth approach - again classic on straight arms or elbows.

For the best effect, you should create about three such circles. The duration of each approach is 30-40 seconds.

Plank Body Shaping

The main benefit of doing planks regularly is to strengthen your core. The body visually changes, becomes stronger, toned.

Additionally, when done correctly, it can bring such benefits:

  • strengthen the muscles of the back, which is especially important for people who lead a mainly sedentary lifestyle (office workers, schoolchildren, students, pensioners);
  • reduction of pain in the neck and spine - plank exercise is often included in the complex of physiotherapy exercises prescribed by a doctor;
  • increased endurance, because it is not easy to stay on the board for a long time, the muscles tense, tremors appear and you have to control yourself to defend the right moment;
  • improvement of blood circulation, active supply of cells with oxygen;
  • mood improvement - during any physical exercise, the production of hormones, including dopamine and serotonin, is activated.

Plank Options

Let's take a closer look at some basic plank options.


Ideal for beginners - classic. It is recommended to master it first, this allows you to remember the technique, as well as to understand which muscles are included in the work and how the body reacts to them.

Beginners can do simplified options:

  • spread your legs a little more, but then make sure that the load does not go to the shoulders and forearms;
  • perform on straight arms, and not on the elbows;
  • make approaches less in time, but increase their number.

Advanced athletes can try more difficult options:

  • perform while standing on your elbows;
  • keep your feet together with your heels together;
  • increase the duration of an approach;
  • use leg weights;
  • do push-ups in between.

It is important to choose a complex based on your own feelings. Then it will not be perceived as torture, it will be more comfortable to do it every time.

side board

The side plank is performed standing on one arm. At the same time, the side muscles of the abdomen and waist are mainly included in the work. Hold each side for at least 15 seconds.

During the execution, you need to ensure that the body is stretched out in a straight line. There should be no sagging in the pelvic area, or severe discomfort in the shoulder joints. It is best for beginners to perform it on straight arms, advanced on the elbows.

You can complicate the option by using weights for the legs and dumbbells for the arms. It will be very difficult to linger statically in this position.

Planks with limb extension

Once you have mastered the classic version, you can move on to the complications. To do this, use the bar with the withdrawal of the hand. People call him "Superman". The position for the usual exercise is taken, after which one arm is raised directly in front of you or slightly to the side. The pose is fixed for at least 30 seconds.

You can further complicate the exercise by tearing off your left arm and right leg simultaneously. Then vice versa. The exercise works well on the back, arm and abdominal muscles.

The main thing, as in other options, is to follow the technique, do not forget that the whole body should be extended in one line.

30 day program around the bar

There are many different programs available on the Internet. The most popular of them is "30 days around the bar". His main requirement is to challenge himself and practice every day, increasing the time no matter what. Such a plan is designed for 30 days and looks like this:

Day Time in seconds Day Time in seconds
a ten 16 120
2 ten 17 120
3 twenty eighteen 120
4 twenty 19 150
five 30 twenty 150
6 30 21 150
7 40 22 180
8 40 23 180
new fifty 24 210
ten fifty 25 210
Eleven fifty 26 240
12 60 27 240
13 60 28 270
Fourteen 90 29 270
15 90 30 300

This program will help the body adapt, get used to a new type of load.

Plank for losing weight for beginners, table

A monthly plan for beginners might look like this:

Day Time in seconds Day Time in seconds
a twenty 16 rest
2 25 17 60
3 25 eighteen 65
4 30 19 70
five 30 twenty 65
6 35 21 70
7 35 22 80
8 rest 23 80
new 35 24 rest
ten 40 25 90
Eleven 40 26 90
12 45 27 95
13 fifty 28 95
Fourteen fifty 29 hundred
15 60 30 hundred

The proposed program can be changed by yourself, adding 5-10 seconds per day.

Expert opinion

On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews, photos from the series "before and after the course". They should not be believed, because a good result depends on a lot of work, which does not consist only in making the bar.